
Apricot kernel Learn more about Apricot kernel

  • Special germplasm of apricot in Chaoyang Mountain, Liaoning Province

    Special germplasm of apricot in Chaoyang Mountain, Liaoning Province

    Abstract: we investigated the germplasm resources of apricot in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, and found 11 specific germplasm, including 3 kernel germplasm, 4 greening germplasm and 4 germplasm to be further identified. These new germplasm not only enrich the germplasm resources of apricot in Liaoning Province, but also lay a material foundation for the breeding of new varieties. Key words: apricot seed quality greening Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province is one of the main apricot producing areas in China. Apricot cultivation has a long history. In the past, local mountain apricot mostly used seed propagation, and the genetic difference of mountain apricot at three levels of individual, stand and provenance.

  • How to plant apricot kernel

    How to plant apricot kernel

    Apricot kernel refers to the core of fruit apricot, apricot is an important economic fruit tree species in China, is one of the common fruits, nutrition is very rich. When people finish eating apricots, they leave apricot kernels thinking that they will plant fruit trees. So how to grow apricot kernels? How to plant apricot kernels

    2020-11-08 Apricot kernel apricot kernel.
  • Cultivation and Management techniques of Kernel Apricot

    Cultivation and Management techniques of Kernel Apricot

    1. Technical introduction 1. Variety selection: main varieties: Dragon King Hat, a swarm of bees, Bai Yubian, Chaoren, Fenghong, Youren, Yuanren and so on. Baiyubian is an excellent kernel apricot pollination variety with strong cold resistance, extremely high yield and frost resistance and low temperature tolerance of the other three varieties. 2. Raising seedlings: kernel apricot seedlings can be divided into two stages: rootstock seedling cultivation and grafted seedling cultivation. Cultivation of ① rootstock seedlings. Select the fields with sufficient light, loose soil and irrigation conditions as seedling land, and fertilize the soil in time. ② grafting. Grafting shoots of kernel apricot seedlings

  • Experience of cultivating and managing kernel apricot

    Experience of cultivating and managing kernel apricot

    1. Technical introduction 1. Variety selection: main varieties: Dragon King Hat, a swarm of bees, Bai Yubian, Chaoren, Fenghong, Youren, Yuanren and so on. Bai Yubian is an excellent kernel apricot pollination variety with strong cold resistance, extremely high yield and frost resistance and tolerance of the other three varieties.

    2020-11-08 Cultivation management kernel use apricot experience technology introduction
  • High yield and good quality cultivation techniques of Kernel Apricot

    High yield and good quality cultivation techniques of Kernel Apricot

    In recent years, almonds are very popular in domestic and foreign markets. Almond contains a variety of nutrients, is a high-nutrition health food, but also can be used in medicine, with heat-clearing and detoxification, cancer prevention and other functions. Therefore, the cultivation area is increasing and the prospect is broad. Due to the early flowering of kernel apricot, easy to be harmed by late frost and extensive management, kernel apricot can not give full play to its due yield level and economic benefits. In order to improve the yield, quality and benefit of almonds, the key points of high yield and high quality cultivation techniques of kernel apricot are introduced as follows: 1. variety selection: kernel apricot

  • How to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels

    How to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels

    Apricot is a very common fruit. after eating apricot, many people will leave apricot kernels to sow and cultivate new apricot trees. So how to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels? First, sowing can choose land with deep soil layer, loose soil and general fertility. Sowing seeds

    2020-11-08 Apricot kernel how to cultivate apricot apricot sapling yes very very common
  • Processing Technology of dried Apricot Juice

    Processing Technology of dried Apricot Juice

    Apricot is one of the ancient cultivated tree species in China, which is widely distributed. Apricot fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains 10g sugar, 0.9g protein, 1.79g carotene, 0.02 mg thiamine, riboflavin 0.03mg, nicotinic acid 0.6mg and vitamin C7 mg per 100g pulp. Almonds contain about 23% protein, 50% fat and 60% fat, with an oil yield of 45.8%, and are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron needed by the human body.

  • Problems needing attention in efficient cultivation of Kernel Apricot

    Problems needing attention in efficient cultivation of Kernel Apricot

    Kernel apricot is one of the main dried fruits in northern China, and its management benefit is quite good. in recent years, due to the development of almond, the comparative benefit of kernel apricot has been reduced. in order to improve the production benefit of kernel apricot, comprehensive measures should be adopted. 1) develop in a suitable place. Kernel apricot is resistant to drought, barren and wide adaptability, but in order to carry out efficient production, it is necessary to choose places with deep soil layer, fertile soil and leeward to the sun to build a garden. As kernel apricot blossoms early and is vulnerable to late frost, it is necessary to avoid building gardens in ridges, tuyere and low-lying places. 2) pay attention to the configuration of pollination trees.

  • How to Cultivate Apricot with High Efficiency

    How to Cultivate Apricot with High Efficiency

    Apricot kernel is one of the main dry fruits in north China, and its management benefit is quite good. In recent years, the comparative benefit of apricot kernel is reduced due to the development of almond. 1)appropriate development. Apricot kernel with drought resistance, tolerance

    2020-11-08 how high efficiency cultivation kernel use apricot yes china
  • Growth and fruiting habits and pruning points of Kernel Apricot

    Growth and fruiting habits and pruning points of Kernel Apricot

    1. Growth and fruiting habits of kernel apricot: 1. Weak branching ability: several long branches are produced after kernel apricot planting. After entering the fruiting stage, these long branches are rarely branched, and the natural growth often shows insufficient branches. 2. High germination rate: most of the buds can germinate no matter the long branches of kernel apricot are thrown or truncated.

  • High benefit of apricot medicine intercropping

    High benefit of apricot medicine intercropping

    In recent years, ordinary people in the rural areas around Luoyang, Henan Province have planted trees and medicine by means of "forest-medicine intercropping", and have become rich by "forest" and "medicine". The content of potassium in the soil of Luoyang area is very high, so the kernel apricot which belongs to potassium-loving plant has the necessary soil conditions to grow here. And the light, heat and water conditions here are suitable for the growth of kernel apricot. Kernel apricot has the characteristics of resistance to cold, light and barren, so it is suitable for planting in semi-arid hilly and sloping land. Kernel apricot can blossom and bear fruit two or three years after planting, four or five years.

  • The cultivation technique of Tianshui kernel apricot passed the appraisal.

    The cultivation technique of Tianshui kernel apricot passed the appraisal.

    Recently, the project "Development of barren Mountain Resources in Tianshui City-demonstration of High yield cultivation techniques of 100000 mu Kernel Apricot" jointly undertaken and implemented by Tianshui Fruit Tree Research Institute and various county horticultural departments has passed the appraisal of the achievements of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology. Experts believe that the project uses "four wasteland" to build a kernel apricot base, which not only saves cultivated land, but also plays an important role in reducing soil erosion, preventing wind and fixing sand. Its achievements have reached the advanced level of similar projects in China. Up to now, the city has built 20 mu of kernel apricot seed harvest orchard and established improved varieties.

  • The first-class improved variety of kernel apricot:. Dragon King Hat

    The first-class improved variety of kernel apricot:. Dragon King Hat

    At present, among the main varieties of kernel apricot produced in China, there is only one variety of Dragon King Hat, which is called "Dragon Emperor Big Almond" in the world. The fruit is flat and round, with an average weight of 18 grams and a maximum of 24 grams, with orange peel and thin pulp. The nucleation rate is 17.5%, and the dry nuclear weight is 2.3 grams. The kernel rate is 37.6%, the average weight of dried kernel is 0.8-0.84 grams, the kernel is flat and hypertrophic, the base is conical, the kernel skin is brown, the kernel meat is milky white, fragrant and crisp, and slightly bitter. 5-

  • Excellent varieties of apricot for fresh food and processing

    Excellent varieties of apricot for fresh food and processing

    Fresh processing and dual-use apricots are mainly big red apricot, Yangshao yellow apricot, string red apricot, Shanhuang apricot, Shajin apricot, Jinxi red apricot, Zhang park apricot, Laoshan red apricot, golden hazel apricot and so on. (1) Dahong apricot: also known as Guanye face, mainly planted in Laoshan, Shandong Province, moderate tree potential, medium yield, 50 grams per fruit, orange-red fruit, fine meat, hard and crisp, sweet and slightly sour, aromatic, quality, enucleated, bitter kernel, resistant to storage and transportation, mature in late June. (2) Yangshao yellow apricot: also known as egg apricot, produced in Mianchi County, Henan Province.

  • third grade improved variety of kernel apricot

    third grade improved variety of kernel apricot

    1. A swarm of bees, also known as the second flat, small dragon king hat, Hebei, one of the main varieties planted. Fruit ovate, slightly bulged than Longwang cap, single fruit weighs 8.5-11.0 g, maximum 15 g, pericarp yellow, dehiscent along suture line when ripe, denucleate. The weight of single nucleus is 1.6-1.9 g, and the rate of nucleus extraction is 18.5%-20.5%. Kernel weight 0.52 - 0.62 g, kernel yield 38.2%, kernel meat milky white, sweet taste. Very productive, but not resistant to late frost. 2. The three-pole flag (temporary name) is the river

  • High Light efficiency Tree shape Transformation Technology of Kernel Apricot

    High Light efficiency Tree shape Transformation Technology of Kernel Apricot

    In the areas where kernel apricot is cultivated, we find that due to the influence of traditional habits, most fruit growers do not prune or prune irrationally, each tree has an average of 8 to 10 large branches, the shape of the tree is chaotic, the proportion of complete flowers is low, the fruiting part moves out, the crown is closed, and the lower small fruit branches die prematurely due to shading, resulting in late fruiting, low yield and poor quality of kernel apricot. Therefore, high light efficiency tree transformation must be carried out in order to improve quality and increase efficiency. After several years of exploration and practice on the high light efficiency tree structure of kernel apricot, we think that the high light efficiency tree structure of kernel apricot should be.

  • First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    1. At present, among the main varieties of kernel apricot produced in China, there is only one variety of Dragon King Hat, which is called "Dragon Emperor Big Almond" in the world. The fruit is flat and round, with an average weight of 18 grams and a maximum of 24 grams, with orange peel and thin pulp. The nucleation rate is 17.5%, and the dry nuclear weight is 2.3 grams. The kernel rate is 37.6%, the average weight of dried kernel is 0.8-0.84 grams, the kernel is flat and hypertrophic, the base is conical, the kernel skin is brown, the kernel meat is milky white, fragrant and crisp, and slightly bitter. 5-6-year-old average plant

  • Longwang hat apricot

    Longwang hat apricot

    Also known as Dabian, Wang Hao, Da Xingbian, Da Bian and so on. Originally from Hebei Province, it is now distributed in 12 northern provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions). It is the main variety in the production of sweet almonds in China, which is known internationally as "Longhuang big almonds". Single fruit weight 17.4 grams, single core weight 3.30 grams, nucleation rate 17.5%, single kernel weight 0.84 grams, apricot kernel emergence rate 37.6%. 340 apricot kernels per kilogram and 1200 almonds per kilogram. Almonds are long conical, flat, fat and brown. The meat is milky white, sweet and crisp, slightly bitter

  • Super kernel apricot

    Super kernel apricot

    Single fruit weight 14.4 g, single nucleus weight 2.16 g, nucleation rate 18.8%, single kernel weight 0.96 g, kernel rate 41.1%, containing crude fat 54%, protein 23.6%, carbohydrate 15.8%. The 6-year-old tree produced 27.7 kg of fruit and 2.14 kg of kernel, 53% higher than that of the control Longwangmao. The seed setting rate of self-flower is 29%, which is about 10% higher than that of other varieties. High yield, stable yield and high quality.

  • Flower and Fruit Protection of Kernel Apricot

    Flower and Fruit Protection of Kernel Apricot

    1. Irrigation before flowering in apricot about 10 days before flowering can reduce the ground temperature, increase air humidity, delay flowering for 4 days, and help to avoid the harm of late frost. two。 Special attention should be paid to frost forecast at flowering stage. When frost is predicted, the method of smoking should be taken in time to prevent frost, that is, the sundries such as straw and fallen leaves should be lit before Frosts Descent, so that the smoke will cover the whole apricot orchard and the temperature can be increased by about 2 ℃. Aerosols can also be used, with a formula of 20% ammonium nitrate, 15% waste diesel, 15%
